

About: Wordscapes

Wordscapes is a crossword game developed by Trench Runners and published by Paste Games. It was released on November 30, 2018, for iOS, Android and Windows. The player’s goal is to fill in the blank given by the board using as few letters as possible. While most crosswords only have 19 clues, This game has more than 200! Some of these are word definitions or related word searches; others are related to geography or history or humor. There are even hidden word stories that players cannot find anywhere else! In addition to its larger number of clues, This one allows you to play in both single-clue and multiple-clue formats. This makes it perfect for those who enjoy playing crossword puzzles but also those who like to play word games with friends or family members who don’t usually enjoy crosswords. You can also check out other games from Paste that we think will be great additions to your

This amazing game is back and better than ever! We’re constantly exploring new ways to make crosswords more engaging and enjoyable for players. Check out these new features in the latest update: - Crossword puzzles now appear immediately when you tap on a word. This makes it easier to find the answer as you play. Check out our blog post for more information on how this feature works. - You can now preview your crossword puzzle before playing. Simply tap a word in the app and you’ll be instantly taken to that word’s crossword puzzle. Tap again to continue playing, or look around the grid and try other words until you find the one that best fits your clue. Try different words by tapping on different things throughout the game so that you’re not trying them all in one

Crosswords are a fun way to test your word-slinging skills. And now, with the release of Wordscapes, you can play these crossword puzzles with friends and family members. This simple but addictive iPhone game will help you unwind after a long day at the office or while watching your favorite TV show. All you need is your smartphone and some spare time. Let's get

How To Play Wordscapes

Using Mouse

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